Friday, September 9, 2016

The best tent is one that we can buy!

When we think of camping with children, the first thing that comes to mind is:

- Which best camping tent for four will provide security for my family?

Several people have come to ask me what is the best tent to camp with small children and my answer is always the same and very simple:

The best tent is that you can buy!

With that as a principle, the second question may be:

- The amount I can pay what is the best option to tent camping with kids?

Well, we can assume that camp with small child drops a series of super expensive equipment, resistant to strong winds and snow. After all, we can not go out much of the comfort zone camping with little ones. In this case, the only really important thing is that the tent is stable and can withstand a pretty typical rain of our tropical country. That is, no water.

- How do I then know what tent does not enter water?

The answer lies in the water column, i.e., the waterproofing capacity of the tissue. Such information should be available in most stalls sold in Brazil. Stay tuned to the vast majority are below acceptable to endure the Brazilian rain.

The Camping Ricardo and family published a very interesting text about it HERE. At the end of the post he puts a table with the various water column values ​​of various brands that we find the sale in Brazil. According to Ricardo, to account for the Brazilian rain the ideal is to stay above 1500 mm. Another interesting text and complementary to that Ricardo wrote, I was directed by friend Forward Felipe explains moisture waterproofing for tents and clothing, very important when choosing a tent - can be read HERE.

The tents Quechua brand, which can be found in Decathlon stores represent a good cost / benefit ratio and are quite safe. All have water column above 2000 mm and are super resistant to rain and wind. Within this brand you can find many models, small and large, some more airy AIR line and other warmer. Here's the taste of each, for the safety of the little ones is guaranteed. The tents tracks and Directions are also well conquests among campers with water column of about 2000 mm and also can withstand rain, but in my opinion sin ventilation and little varied models. The Aztec also have good tents but most are small and expensive, more suitable for great adventures. It also has tents Nautika, Coleman and Cheetah. Some well can withstand rain and others less so, but just be aware of the blessed water column that Ricardo kindly deciphered for us all.

I chose two models of tents, a large and suitable for longer camps and another for shorter camps. Both the Quechua brand and both have passed the test of torrential rains in Ubatuba.

My biggest tent is the T6.2 model, gives a little work to ride alone and is the ideal mount for two people. However one has to think that if we have small children in the parade only one can assemble and disassemble the equipment and the other will be due to the small. There are seven head animals nor reason to stop camping just takes a little more time and it is good to study this little video before leaving home for the things easier.

Camping Itaguá in Ubatuba

My tent is smaller model 2 seconds XXL IIII, very practical and I mount and dismount alone, but always do the homework to remember the details with this little video before leaving home.

Camping Itaguá in Ubatuba

That is, today we have very good market stalls with affordable prices that can ensure the safety and comfort needed for camping with little ones.

The money're short and you can not buy any of these with water column above 1500 mm? Buy a common canvas to put on top of that you can buy and bora take the kids to camp! When the situation improves a bit, leave aside the canvas and invest in equipment to find more suitable for their family.

Hugs and campers to the next post!


Good equipment makes all the difference during the swimming training, contributing to better performance of the student and making it even more enjoyable activity. For starters, even hit the choice is even more important because the appropriate materials helps to focus in the first movement.

Thinking about it, we selected some tips for you not to make mistakes when choosing the ideal swimming gear! Check it:


With the right clothes, you will not only feel more comfortable as well, will move more easily. So choose bathing suits and swimming trunks that are not too tight to the body and offer little friction. Also, opt for a very corrosion resistant material of chlorine and salt.


Once you have chosen the costume for swimming, the next step is the cap: Preferably it is silicone. It will help hold your hair and protect from contact with chlorine and salt - as most of the pools are now dealest salt to protect your skin from dryness due to chlorine. Moreover, it is noteworthy that for children the cloth caps are more comfortable.


The best swimming goggles are an item that deserves close attention when the choice as to provide comfort and protection. So, choose the one that best fits your face and that you need not overtighten.

For those who swim in open water, it is noteworthy that glasses with dark or mirrored lenses are more fundamental, so that the light does not come.


Although not dealing with mandatory items, equipment improving their performance can be quite useful when you are new to the sport. The board, for example, help focus on the motion of legs, arms isolate. Now the goal is the opposite and you want to work the movement of the arms, the float is ideal.

While much is discussed about the use of fins in swimming, this is a device that can greatly contribute to the development of the kick. Thus, the movement becomes easier and you move faster on the water.

Anyone who has difficulty in blocking the breathing under water may also use nose plugs, or ear plugs in cases of discomfort, thereby preventing undesired entry of water in these regions.

Now that you know what equipment is best suited for their swimming lessons, such fall in the water?

How to choose the best shower head

How to choose an electric shower

         Nothing better than coming home after a long day of work and be able to take a bath; but it is not always what happens.
Sometimes the shower is with some icy raindrops of amid hot water, or the shower not warm enough on cold days or even almost no water comes out. And when that happens is a sign that it's time to invest in a new shower!
            To help in the process of choosing an electric shower, now the post brings special tips to not have mistakes when buying.

110V or 220V
            Well, as the post is for electric showers, before the purchase is necessary to make sure that the voltage (110 or 220V) of your installation for the shower.
If still in construction or renovation process, a good option is to make a 220V installation, it allows showers with higher power, ie their baths will be more warm.

Water pressure
            The water pressure will depend on the height of a water tank, the higher, the higher the pressure.
            If the pressure of your home or apartment is low, a solution is to buy a shower with pressurizer.

Shower or shower
            In general, the showers have concentrated jet with more pressure, ensuring a relaxing bath and is ideal for bathrooms that already have high water pressure.

            The showers usually have larger spreader, ideal for those who want to keep the whole body underwater.

temperature control
            The most common showers usually have three temperature options (summer, winter and off) and in the group of multitemperaturas showers, which have predetermined temperatures, need to shut down the equipment to switch them.
            If the option is for a shower that allows precision when changing the temperature, the ideal is a shower with electronic change (continuous), so you can change the temperature according to your needs and with the appliance.
            Another issue to attend is where the temperature is changed. In the simplest showers change is at the top of the shower, and can hinder a little. However, there showers control that is
below the unit and is easy even for children change the temperature of the shower. Usually these controls are fairly common in showers with electronic shift and even some multitemperaturas models.

 Flow rate
            In choosing the shower you need to see the technical specifications showing that the flow rate, ie how many liters of water per minute your shower will release.
            Of course, a bath with plenty of water is delicious, but it is good to remember that the greater the flow, the greater the consumption of water.

Wiring and breaker
            When buying a shower we must be careful also to the wiring of your electrical installation. As the circuit breaker for the shower.
            The ideal is to respect the limits, but if your choice is a power shower larger than indicated for your installation, then it is good to hire a professional to do the appropriate changes.
            To help, I created a table with wire size specifications for each power and what the appropriate circuit breaker.

            To better understand the table, let's a quick example. If my wiring is 220V and I buy a shower 8000 W, then the wire gauge of my electrical installation must be at least 6 mm², and my breaker 40.

          Well, I hope this post helps in choose a shower head and always indicate hiring a qualified professional to determine your electrical installation and have already installed the shower, so you ensure quiet and relaxing baths.

            Oh, continue following the blog that soon I will talk about the choice of my shower and I have found it.